Massage. Yoga. Wellness.

  • Woman on a massage table receiving a massage from another woman.


    Massage is an amazing addition to your active lifestyle.  Bodywork promotes increased circulation and flexibility and reduces muscle fatigue so that you can play all weekend. Join me and reap the benefits!

  • A woman in childs pose receiving assistance with her stretching from a yoga instructor.


    Join me at the studio, on the water, or at a beautiful retreat location for creative classes and retreats. We’ll move with grace and strength through our asanas, so you can bring fluidity and ease to your daily activities.

  • Packages

    Don’t miss out on that second powder day because you’re too tired or you strained one of your leg muscles! Using a combination of yoga and massage, you can hit the slopes everyday without destroying your body.


  • “Mindy always make me feel like I matter. She brings up things she remembers or has notated about me and my life. Mindy asks questions and cares about the answer. She doesn’t rush me to get onto the table or out the door to get the next person, she remembers what worked well or didn’t, and the little things I mentioned in passing. Mindy is a partner in my massage journey rather than a kiosk where I answer the standard questions and get a boxed solution.”

  • “Mindy gave me the best massage I’ve had in a long time. I really appreciated how she stretched my shoulders and worked the different muscles. I’ve been feeling great and loosened up for sure.”

  • “Mindy’s myofascial release is now part of my regular self care routine. After a traumatic brain injury a few years ago I’ve had limited mobility in my neck. Myofascial has been transformative in alleviating my pain and increasing my mobility. “

I work with active clients who love to play and choose to live in Vermont so that they can hike, ski, paddle, and run, but are starting to notice movement imbalances due to repetition. I use yoga and massage so that we can be active, healthy and vibrant well into our older years. My mission is to invoke a curiosity for how movement helps our bodies heal and, through this, inspire change to live a full and energetic life.